Young people prefer MP3 players over radio

A Bridge Ratings study released this week in the U.S. shows that, 12-24 year olds, if given a choice, would choose their MP3 players over traditional radio.

The study interviewed 2000 persons 12-24 years of age and was done on a national platform. The project was part of a University of Southern California Media Lab analysis entitled “How to Make Music Radio Appealing to the Next Generation.”

Among the core findings…

• 85% of the total sample would choose their MP3 player over traditional radio as their preferred option for music.

• For music listening, the Internet is preferred over traditional radio.

• MP3 use far out-paces radio use.

• When given a choice between listening to music over the Internet or traditional radio stations, 54% prefer the Internet while 30% prefer radio. This preference is more pronounced among 18-24 year olds.