Award-winning motorsports broadcaster Greg ‘Rusty’ Rust is celebrating 100 episodes of his popular automotive podcast, Rusty’s Garage on LiSTNR.
For the last five years, Rusty has interviewed riders, drivers, designers and even pilots about the machines that fuel their passion. For the 100th episode Rusty is interviewed by fellow sports broadcaster and friend, Mark ‘Howie’ Howard, from LiSTNR’s The Howie Games podcast about his journey and career highlights.
Rusty said:
“I’ve enjoyed this podcast journey immensely; it’s been among the most rewarding things I’ve done in over 20 years in the media. I have discovered just how much I enjoy conversations, especially about stuff I have loved since I was knee high.
The loyalty and passion for this podcast from our partners and listeners is unrivalled.”
You can listen to Rusty’s Garage 100th episode on LiSTNR.