Australian Podcast Ranker: Casefile True Crime No 1, Happy Hour with Lucy and Nikki debuts in top 20

The February edition of the Triton Australian Podcast Ranker saw Casefile True Crime return to No 1, a debut in the top 20 for Happy Hour with Lucy and Nikki (pictured) to go alongside their new Saturday night show on SCA’s The Hit Network and a huge leap into the top ten for ABC News Daily.

Within the top 10 there are some additional details of note, Hamish and Andy only launched for 2024 on February 29, so their sole new episode resulted in them dropping a single spot, from 5 to 6, on the Ranker. I would expect them to return to the top, or near it, in March. Casefile True Crime didn’t release any new episodes in January which as you can see in the CRA podcast growth stats above, led to an 83% increase in listening once the still anonymous host resumed releasing the podcast weekly. The increases for Shameless (up 24%) and Mamamia Out Loud (up 50%) are more significant as their output in Jan and Feb was consistent.

Many of the radio network shows resumed their catch up podcasts, seeing them move up the Ranker. ARN‘s Kyle and Jackie O, with 120 new episodes, were up two to 4th, with a 46% increase MoM. The ABC’s Conversations dropped two places to 5th but still, easily, had the most downloads with more than 3.6 million. The ABC will also be very pleased with their News Daily. It was up 46 places and just cracked the top 10 and a million downloads. this represented a 241% increase in listeners!

There is now just one overseas title in the top 10, Stuff You Should Know at 9. I fully expect this year to see some Rankers where the entire top 10 is Australian made.

ARN is the top podcast publisher, but sales representation is very close between LiSTNR (SCA) and ARN / iHeart as you can see in the table below:

Top five sales representatives by monthly listeners in Feb 2024
  Sales representatives Publishers represented Listeners
1 LiSTNR (SCA) LiSTNR (SCA) / Schwartz Media / SiriusXM Podcast Network / audiochuck / Wondery /DM Podcasts / NBCUniversal News Group 6,995,377
2 ARN / iHeart ARN / iHeartMedia / Audioboom / AdLarge Media / Sport Social Podcast Network / The Investors Podcast Network / All Ears English / Sony Music /Clubby Sports / NZME/TED 6,818,824
3 NOVA Entertainment NOVA Entertainment / News Corp Australia /  Podshape 2,088,226
4 News Corp Australia News Corp Australia 1,289,175
5 Mamamia Mamamia 1,237,546


For me the most interesting result in this month’s Ranker is the debut of Happy Hour with Lucy and Nikki at No 16 and just shy of half a million downloads. They debuted a Saturday night radio show on SCA’s Hit Network in February also, a move to perhaps grab again the predominantly female listeners they lost when Abbie Chatfield left. Their debut displaced It’s a Lot with Abbie Chatfield from the top 20 showing the effect of radio exposure on the Ranker.

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