8 August 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson Not every prospect we present a campaign to buys from us. At least, not always the first, second or third time.
18 July 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson It's all about managing tension levels! I've often heard it said that the easiest person to sell is a...
4 July 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson This weekend my friends in Canada celebrate Canada Day. We, in the U.S.
6 June 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson I was on a zoom call a couple of weeks ago with a very good salesperson. She had emailed...
16 May 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson The other day I called a potential client and a real, LIVE person answered the phone. Wow, a receptionist:...
21 March 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson The challenges of the past year have been more intense than ever before. I hope you may indulge a newsletter...
16 February 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson The lady (below left) isn't suffering from some sort of attack. In fact, she's participating in a well-thought out strategy...
2 February 2021 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson I was on a call with Rick Murphy, Murphy Broadcasting, last week. The subject was how his group of stations managed...
3 December 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson We are in the communications business. And yet, not a week goes by that I don't see evidence...
3 July 2022 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson I bet you were lulled to sleep as a child with a great story told by your parents. Or maybe you...
1 November 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson How clear is your crystal ball? 2021 is looming. It's time to set goals and expectations for the...
4 October 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson Every time I park in front of a business and raise my mask to enter, I hearken back...
20 September 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson "Budgets" often don't allow for effective schedules Us: "What's your budget?" Client: "I don't really have one." or Us: "What's...
16 August 2020 It's not about us: It's about them! Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson. We've been espousing this sentiment for years.
2 August 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson. Every week that passes sees another change in the mindset of consumers. COVID numbers continue to fluctuate, restrictions vary state to...
15 June 2020 Radio Sales Direct with Pat Bryson The last thirty days have seen a drastic shift in consumer mindset. On June 1, Nielsen released a...
7 June 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson. COVID-19 has changed many things in the world.
31 May 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson. As businesses continue to reopen, our jobs as their media partners become more and more important.
17 May 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson As the world begins to open businesses, we must be on the forefront of calling on target categories of business. There...
10 May 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson. Most states in the U.S.
3 May 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson. Where are we in the progression of the COVID-19 crisis? Most US states started locking down cities in mid March. Some...
5 April 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson. I was participating in an idea exchange with broadcasters from across the US last week when one person...
29 March 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson Our clients are asking themselves this question daily. As I mentioned in last week's post, there has been research...
1 March 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson "I can't measure radio advertising." Ever heard that? Radio results can be hard to trace because we reach consumers even when...
16 February 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson Every time we approach a new prospect, or ask an existing client for a renewal, that person is asking themselves: "What's in...
2 February 2020 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson It's already the second month of the New Year. Whatever New Year's resolutions you may have made, you now have only...
13 August 2019 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson Take five minutes and write down all the facts you know about your stations. You may know so much that you...
3 February 2019 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson In my previous post, we talked about our "Why?". What are our Level Three motivators that spur us to...
3 December 2018 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson I hope by now you have been talking with all your clients about 2019. In fact, I hope you've been doing so for...
22 May 2018 Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson Those pesky little words that we use to fill silence as we decide what to say next. These...