ARN and Triton Digital win award for Media Strategy

ARN in partnership with Triton Digital have received the APAC Broadcasting+ Award for Media Strategy for ARN’s migration of its live audio streaming content delivery to Triton Digital’s platform.

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+ Award was given after ARN made Triton Digital as their streaming technology provider to host content delivery, measurement, and advertising capabilities on a single full featured stack that is designed for audio.

ARN’s digital listenership continues to grow, with a doubling of Session Starts and Total Listening Hours month after month. The project’s success has served as a reference point, highlighting the effective synergy between technology and people.Daniel Ennis, ARN’s Digital Broadcast Manager said:

“As one of Australia’s leading audio companies, we understand the importance of investing in our digital streaming operations to meet the evolving needs of our audience. Our listeners now enjoy a superior audio experience with personalised, relevant ads. The improved metadata solution has also unlocked new advertising and revenue opportunities, thanks to Triton Digital.’’

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