A Division Of The Port Macquarie Observatory has introduced Astronomy Media Services (AMS), “a new and completely free service to Newspapers, Radio, and Television stations throughout Australia, outsourcing the latest discoveries and breaking news stories in Astronomy and Space science.”
Each week a new-release bulletin will be emailed containing a short synopsis of each subject making news in the world of Astronomy, which can be freely quoted on air.
Should stations require it, an amateur astronomer with over 40 years experience, Mr. David Reneke, is available for interviews. David is chief lecturer at the Port Macquarie Observatory N.S.W
He teaches beginners and advanced classes in astronomy and Space Science at college level, conducts a regular monthly radio segment on ABC-Radio mid-north coast, and is a sought after speaker at various Astronomical conventions throughout Australia.
To arrange interviews contact Reneke on (02) 65-852260 or email [email protected]
Reneke says: “We hope this regular, free service will be of use to you in collating and assessing any stories related to this subject, and be an invaluable resource by having instant access to a qualified speaker in the event of any major breaking news stories, or topical issues of public interest.”