Astro’s CCO with tips on how to turn audience into fans #BroadcastAsia2016

In the upper echelons of content management, it has long been accepted that having a mere audience is not enough. You must have fans.

Fans are those who don’t just like but love your station. They know most, if not all the personalities on it and will proudly identify themselves with your station’s brand in the same way they would their Nikes or Gucci sunglasses.

Having an audience is one thing, converting them into fans is the hard part.

Astro’s network of nine FM stations and their attendant social outlets that cover Malaysia have been more successful than most in achieving listener to fan conversions.

The key, of course, is “Engagement,” says Ramesh Mark Sankey – Chief Content Officer Astro Radio. “Experience and emotion are the critical ingredients to engagement.”

Engagement is also the key too breaking through the clutter says Ramesh, “We live in the world of propulsion – so much is propelled towards us.”

He also offered these tips:

  • THEY (the audience) OWN THE SPACE: You need to understand what matters to them.
  • Tell the story simply.
  • There are no shortcuts. You need to be obsessed.
  • Know your market
  • Know your audience
  • Pick the right social platforms
  • Start the conversation

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