Baby Boomer radio begins streaming

A new online radio station targeting baby boomers will begin streaming radio programming from tomorrow, aiming for about 10 to 12 minutes of commercial advertising an hour. will offer shows on wealth creation, retirement planning and new enterprise for mature age businesses.

Queensland based Managing director Trevor Lambert has told AAP: “the silver, or greying, surfers who log on can tap along to the odd tune as well. The programming is designed so that it sounds like mainstream radio.”

Lambert says experienced jocks have been hired as on-air talent and an advertising team is being assembled.

The company running the site, Oz Biz Radio estimates there are about 5.5 million baby boomers with internet access in Australia. Despite the previous failure of standalone on line radio stations, the company is relying on the success of online radio in Europe and the US as a signal that online radio’s time has come.

The company will be looking for capital investment to fund studios and expansion into other radio formats, but may find the market unreceptive after the failure of other standalone online radio and of WorldAudio, which also went to the market promising much, but could not sustain its business plan.