Barry Keohane Connecting with your Community webinar for CBAA

Barry Keohane is presenting a webinar with AFTRS and the CBAA next Tuesday May 21 about connecting with your community and turning a good concept into something exceptional.

Keohane was a founding member of 2MCR, going on to hold various leadership roles, including Regional Content Director roles for ARN and Grant Broadcasters, Content Director for ABC local radio in Adelaide, and General Manager of Content for Astro Overseas in China. He was most recently Content Director for Wave FM.

The webinar will provide tips to bring a great idea to life with Keohane going through the creative process from fleshing out the initial concept, testing it, to on air application that connects with community.

The webinar is on from 3-4pm AEST Tuesday May 21. You can register here to attend.

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