Digital radio winner Carol McCormack found at The River.

Survey 5 in Sydney turned out to be the toughest yet to predict. The winning entry in the radioinfo survey competition scored just seven out of 15.

Tougher still has been trying to find the winner, Carol McCormack, who didn’t respond to earlier emails, but has now finally contacted us. She writes, “Thanks for the good news and apologies for not getting back to your earlier. As you mentioned on the website, I’ve just moved to The River in Albury so I haven’t logged on to my email for a while. However, I’m actually the 10-2 announcer, not the journo – which is what you’ve got on the website. I spent the last 5 months as afternoon’s announcer at 2GN Goulburn before moving to The River. Before that I was in public relations. However, last year I completed the Swinburne Uni radio course, so I’ve
changed careers. I am loving Albury!”

I would love the classic radio, because you’re right that a digital radio won’t be much use here in Albury.

As a paid subscriber, Carol wins a PURE Digital, Evoke-1 radio. If she’d had her picture on Faces for Radio, she would have also won a pair of professional quality Ultrasone headphones. However, because there’s no digital signal (yet) in Albury, Carol will receive our classic radio from the forties instead.