Ex-Kennedy Partner Interview to Vindicate Hinch?

An agent, who has interviewed Graham Kennedy’s former lover, says the revelations give weight to allegations by 3AW drive presenter, Derryn Hinch, that the radio-TV legend died of an AIDS related illness.

Former sports’ journalist, Rob Astbury, has been interviewed on camera by his agent, Anthony Zammit, in Thailand.

Zammit has told The Herald Sun’s Ben Packham: “I think, to some large extent, Hinch will be vindicated.”

He says negotiations have begun with TV networks to broadcast the interview.

In his Sunday Herald Sun column yesterday, Hinch urged critics to wait until they had seen the Astbury interview before judging his conduct, believing it will back his claims.

Zammit says he is not trying to protect Hinch or Astbury: “I’m here to promote the facts. And the facts are it is not conclusive.”

Kennedy’s friend, Tony Sattler, remains unconvinced, telling Packham: “I don’t know what else can be furnished than a blood test to say he was HIV negative.”

Zammit says he was hired by Astbury to handle the publication of a book, which he says has ‘explosive’ revelations. He says Astbury wants to set the record straight about Kennedy, after being with him for 20 years.

The latest development follows a children’s charity dropping Hinch, amid continuing fallout over his AIDS’ claims and qualified apology.

The move – by the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (CPEC) – comes despite acknowledgement of unprecedented funding support by Hinch for its education services for children with cerebral palsy and their families.

CPEC President, Garry Prigg, has revealed the controversial broadcaster has raised more than $600 000 in four years as the charity’s principal ambassador.

He says the organisation did not support Hinch’s comments, but his ‘refusal to back down and apologise made it worse’.

“He should not have come out and spoken ill of the dead.

“Derryn shouldn’t have gone there. There was no need to.”

Prigg says CPEC is ‘very sensitive’ to anything which might harm its community standing.

“I’ll go to my grave defending him for what he has done for CPEC, but I couldn’t defend the indefensible.”

Hinch helped raise $90 000 for CPEC to relocate in 2001; $500 000 in a recent building appeal and nominated CPEC as his chosen charity for his appearance on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ and ‘Dancing with the Stars’.

He has supported CPEC on his radio program and regularly attended functions.

On air on Friday afternoon, Hinch described the decision to drop him as “the biggest kick in the guts that I have ever had”.

He vowed to never again help the organisation in raising funds, adding 3AW would never mention its name again.

“I’ve been with these kids. I’ve held their hands, I’ve hugged them, I’ve laughed with them. And, to be treated now like a leper by CPEC hurts me. It really hurts me.

“I believe in it and I still believe in it. I think you’re d—heads. Find somebody else who can raise you $800 000 in a year.”

However, Hinch says he will still retain CPEC as a beneficiary in his will.

Only 24 hours earlier, Hinch was dropped from hosting a promotional launch.

The Brighton on Bay’s launch event “will now proceed without his involvement,” according to the company, which says:

“It is anticipated that Mr Hinch will be replaced with an industry peer.”

A spokesperson from The Brighton on Bay says Hinch was selected “based on his involvement in Dancing with the Stars. We, in no way, endorse his comments and feel strongly that his involvement is no longer appropriate.”

Leading up to the Hinch scratching, radio identity, John Blackman, sent a strongly worded email to event organisers:

“I would rather stab myself in the eye with a satay stick than attend a function where Derryn was the main attraction!

“After his vindictive, stupid, callous and disgraceful revelations about Graham, I’m sure I won’t be the only refusal you’ll receive.”

Blackman has since told The Age Diary that their ‘tenuous’ friendship is over until Hinch “apologises unreservedly” for his Kennedy comments.

“I am joining other industry people who are upset because Graham is one of our heroes.”