First Metro Survey of the year results are out this morning at 9:30

Results out now, here.


Be among the first to see the results of the first GfK Survey of 2024 right here on Radioinfo.

Here you’ll find Australia’s most comprehensive survey reports including both shares and cumes on both terrestrial and digital platforms in a range of configurations. You’ll also get our “dancing” trend charts that track each station’s performance over the past couple of years.

If your thirst for Survey stuff remains unslaked, you can study the art of PR in the Spin Cycle, where everyone’s a winner.

Like the footy seasons’ first round preliminaries what premature conclusions will the punditry presume? Which station’s results will be seen as a harbinger of happy days or a portent of doom.

Much of the early interest will be surrounding Melbourne where the Breakfast duo, Jase & Lauren have already started at NOVA100, albeit just 6 days ago, having been ejected from their previous digs at KIIS101.1 to make way for Kyle & Jackie O who will be networked into Melbourne from April 29.

If nothing else, today’s survey will be the benchmark from which to measure K&J’s future success or lack thereof, in the event that their battle for Melbourne doesn’t pay off. We’ll ask ARN’s CCO, Duncan Campbell, what the odds really are.

To catch up on where we left off, go here for Survey 8, 2023.

Main Pic: Supplied