Half of Australians access news more than once a day, SBS most trusted: Digital News Report Australia 2024

The 10th edition of the Digital News Report: Australia by the University of Canberra and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism has been released, measuring trends in news consumption and attitudes. The long running and global study used responses from an online panel consisting of 530,682 adult Australians.

Key finding of the study were:

  • Half of Australians check for news updates more than once a day and just shy of half are using social media to do so.
  • Distrust and news avoidance keeps increasing over time with SBS overtaking the ABC the most trusted news provider.
  • Podcast listening is still increasing. Men are more likely to be listening and have increased their consumption of specialist subject podcasts
  • Heavy news consumers are more likely to be podcast listeners too, particularly to those of a specialist interest
  • Video news consumption is becoming increasingly popular, but that is paired with some consumer uncertainty about whether TikTok news provides misinformation
  • More than 50% of people say they will never pay for news but online news subscription payments have increased in Australia
  • People are the most interested in local news above everything else
  • Fewer podcast listeners are paying for news with trust in print news providers increasing

The full report can be found here.



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