Holy April Fools Day – Dynamic Duos Swap Stations!

Jonesy & Kayley coupled with the troublesome Merrick & Rosso duo this morning, leaving many listeners somewhat bewildered.

Nova 969 listeners awoke to 70’s hits, and older style larrikins….Jonesy and Kayley. Apparently, there had been some ‘shake-up’ at the station overnight.

In the meantime, Merrick & Rosso left 2WS listeners wide eyed, addressing the somewhat conservative audience with language restricted for a younger demographic.

All games were put to a halt, revealing this morning’s stunt was nothing more than a bit of April Fools Day fun! Rest assured everything will be back to normal tomorrow.

Simply go to Free Audio to hear some of the April Fools Day fun!

If your station had some fun on April Fools day email us an mp3 and the details, or post your story on the Forum