Knit one, pearl 702 – ABC Sydney’s knitting appeal

Over the past few weeks ABC702 breakfats presenter Angela Catterns has been extolling the virtues of taking up knitting. This has led to an unusual charity appeal.

Discussions on the craft of knitting on the show revealed the group called WRAP WITH LOVE, a non-profit organisation which goes by the motto “cold humanity is our concern, humans caring about other humans”. After an interview on Breakfast, the organisation was inundated with calls from 702 listeners eager to be involved.

Warp with Love crafts personal wraps/rugs and distributes them to needy people via aid agencies in Australia and around the world. Each wrap consists of 28 knitted squares.

Wrap with Love volunteers around Australia knit, crochet, weave, machine-knit, patchwork or quilt squares which are then sewn together into much-needed wraps/rugs.

In an effort to bolster the organisation’s supply of wraps and harness the obvious enthusiasm of listeners, 702 ABC Sydney Breakfast decided to hold a ‘Knit in.’

On Friday 1 August, the station will play host to listeners who would like to come in to the ABC’s Ultimo Building and knit for this cause.