Kyle & Jackie O are at the top of the breakfast cumes on their own in Survey 2 with 630,000 listeners, ahead of Fifi Fev & Nick (Fox) with 589,000, while Chrissie Sam & Browny (Nova 100) have moved ahead of Ross & Russel (3AW).
Christian O’Connell continues to perform well with 538,000 listeners while Jase & Lauren added 83,000 to climb to 524,000 overall.
Ben Fordham is next best with 519,000
Fox FM leads the station cumes with 1.190M listeners from Gold 104.3 on 1.157M and KIIS 1065 on 1.132M.
Nova’s two stations are next with Nova 100 on 1.095M and Nova969 on 1.079M, just in front of KIIS 101.1 on 1.078M.