McDonald resigns from 4BC/4BH

Fairfax Radio Network loses Brisbane General Manager.


Fairfax Radio Network today announced the resignation of its Radio 4BC and 4BH General Manager, David McDonald, after more than 10 years of employment.

He had held several senior managerial positions within the radio industry before joining Fairfax.

Announcing his resignation, David McDonald said:

“Radio is an incredibly competitive business and I’ve very much enjoyed my ten years with 4BC and 4BH. It was great to join FRN and take the path to improved performance levels.

“Life is about change, which excites me. I am now looking at the next stage of my working life, which holds some great opportunities and I will advise of those opportunities when appropriate.”

Fairfax Managing Director, Adam Lang today paid tribute to McDonald saying:

“David McDonald has been a valued contributor, as well as a loyal and passionate General Manager of Fairfax Radio Network Brisbane for over ten years. We are grateful for his service and wish him the very best for his future career.

“We will be immediately commencing the search to replace this key leadership role and will advise that outcome within a few months.

“In the meantime, we are delighted to have the talented Anthony Frangi amongst our team to step up as Acting General Manager.”