New series of ads for radio brand campaign

The commercial radio industry has launched its latest series of ads as part of its multi-million dollar brand campaign, highlighting the ability of radio to target audiences at specific times and locations across the day.

The “Radio – A Time and Place for Everything” campaign includes 12 ads targeted at different demographics and product categories, which highlight how advertisers can choose the time of day and day of the week that best suits their product, brand or service, to advertise on radio.

The days and times to be highlighted as opportune for particular messages include:

Mid-Mornings: Female grocery buyers are listening to radio making it an effective time to advertise gyms, magazines, clothes, holidays and hotels.

Lunch: People considering what to eat for lunch can be influenced by radio messages on meal options while they are at work, at home or in the car, whether it be for quick food options to eat on the run during the lunch hour or restaurants and cafes.

Drive-time: People driving home from work are listening to radio so this is a good time to advertise automotive products or for people still thinking about work – recruitment agencies.

Nights: This is a popular time to be online with people also listening to radio so a good time to advertise computer products like broadband or games.

Chief executive officer of Commercial Radio Australia, Joan Warner told radioinfo that the ads highlighted the ability of radio to effectively target certain people at different times of the day.

“Research shows us when and where people are while listening to the radio, which can greatly influence which messages the listener is most receptive to. So targeting the listener at the right time and place, with the right message, allows advertisers to get their messages across in the most cost-effective way”.

The new ads, which continue with the theme of humour, were written by international award-winning director of Eardrum Australia, Ralph van Dijk and feature Australian comedians and actors, Mark Mitchell as the interviewer and Jonathan Biggins as the media expert.

An industry-wide marketing campaign aimed at radio stations, media agencies and advertisers will be run in conjunction with the ads and includes downloadable podcasts with facts and figures supporting the specific time and place ads running on air. A teaser campaign for the ads was launched two weeks ago to generate interest in the new ads. The ads will be aired in a cluster of up to five ads at a time over the next six months.

The brand campaign, which was first launched in June 2003, is now entering its fifth year and together with the introduction of the Sirens Awards and educational workshops has been credited with helping lift the standing of radio advertising and attract new advertising dollars to the medium. To hear the ads click on the link below.