AFTRS has opened its schedule of short courses for the next quarter. They include Voiceover, Presentation and Radio Packages. Full details are below.
Voice Over
Just having a great voice is not enough – you need the skills to be able to use it properly. Industry experts Gaby Brown (Triple J) and Simon Harvey will give you the techniques to get the best out of your voice to get a start in the very busy voice over industry.
9 – 10 August, AFTRS Sydney. Enrol here.
Announcing and Presentation
On air Radio industry professionals Gaby Brown (Triple J, KIIS 1065 FM, WSFM) and Melanie Withnall (2UE, 2SER FM) are the tutors for this practical and inspiring course where you will acquire invaluable skills and knowledge that will enhance and advance your career.
20 – 21 September, AFTRS Sydney. Enrol here.
Radio Packages
Learn how to make a ‘radio package’ in this two day intensive Martin Corben (ABC 702). When made well, short mini documentaries or ‘radio packages’ tap into a listeners emotions and transport them to a deeper connection with the program. Radio packages can be used on live radio, replayed on air plus posted online and through social media.
13 – 14 September, AFTRS Sydney. Enrol here.
Advanced Voice Over
Take the next step. The voice over artist has one the most exciting and diverse performance roles in Australian media. Voice artists are singers, sales people, educators and actors – sometimes all in one day. It is a highly demanding field and competition is strong for those trying to crack the industry.
20 September. Enrol here.
To view all AFTRS Open Radio courses visit the website