North Queensland radio stations going above and beyond to bring the latest flood updates to listeners

A major flooding event is damaging parts of North Queensland with evacuation notices in place and water and power supplies affected. Several radio stations have remained on air to keep their community up to date with the latest news.

Wildy pulled an all-nighter on Power 100, complete with plenty of iced coffee:

You can also listen via the iHeart Radio app & The station said for help, call SES 132 500, and stay updated via the Emergency Management Dashboard.
Cliffo and Kate on Triple M Townsville were on air on Sunday afternoon and back this morning:
The main image was sent to Triple M by Mitch from Ingham, when asked where people were listening from.
Dannii (Danielle McMurrich) from Star 106.3 breakfast also pulled an extra shift on the weekend to be an ear for listeners and keep the community updated on evacuation centres and school closures.

Local community stations including Triple t 103.9 (see below) and 99.9 Live FM are continuing to broadcast, from home if necessary, with updates as they come in.

Pictured below is Abigail Bibimauri who a full time volunteer at 99.9 Live FM who was in their studios across last night too.

Best wishes to all and stay safe.

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