Radio Adelaide has axed its manager Rob Popplestone and paid breakfast presenter Jennie Lenman after the station failed to achieve fundraising targets in its recent radiothon.
The station moved to new premises and reshaped its management and staffing after Adelaide University cut funding and sold its building last year.
The station’s new aspirational slogan ‘rich and real’ was not realised when the radiothon did not deliver the riches the station was seeking to keep funding staff salaries.
Training and volunteers manager Nikki Marcell and station manager Chris Leese will be the only full-time staff members left at the station.
Board chairman Iain Evans says the redundancies were made because “revenue wasn’t meeting expenditure” but is confident the station can continue to operate.
The station is transitioning “from a model where we were basically 100 per cent funded by the uni for 40 years and the adjustment has been more difficult then we envisioned,” said Evans.