Southern Cross Austereo has delivered huge growth on Facebook to almost four million fans according to their latest digital results. The company has also experienced substantial growth on Twitter holding a 72% share of the Australian social radio market.
View the full October digital results here.
Highlights include:
- SCA Network traffic increased 70% year on year in Unique Monthly Visitors to 2.4 million
- Today Network traffic increased 110%5 year on year in Unique Monthly Visitors to 1.6 million
- Triple M Network traffic increased by 36% year on year in Unique Monthly Visitors – to 787,361
- SCA is once again the 11th biggest mobile daily publisher in Australia (from over 200 tagged & reported)
- SCA brands hold a share of 72% of the Australia social radio market on Facebook and 72% of the Australia social radio market on Twitter
SCA Director of Digital and Innovation Clive Dickens said: ‘’Once again this month we smash the competition with our Social, Mobile & Desktop audiences, maintaining our ambition to account for between 50% and 75% share of this increasingly important digital space. Our teams have worked incredibly hard over my first eight months in Australia and we have only just begun”.