Sea FM anoints Sir Willy of Tasmania

This morning on SeaFM Devonport and Burnie, newly elected Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman was officially crowned by SeaFM’s Breakfast Host Lee Dixon.

Following Tony Abbott’s comments on the resurrection of Sirs and Dames, nearly 30 years after the British Honours system was abolished by the Hawke Government, Lee wanted to go one better and crown Sir Willy of Tasmania.

“From this day forth, whenever Sir Willy visits SeaFM, he’ll wear his robe and crown to address our region, Mr Hodgman wears it well”, said SeaFM’s Lee Dixon.

Meanwhile on 7AD/7BU, Premier Will Hodgman found his inner rock god. A fan of Bruce Springsteen, Breakfast Host Marc McCreadie re-wrote the lyrics to Springsteen’s “Born in the USA”, threw Will an electric guitar, and gave him the challenge of singing “Born in Tasmania”. 

Audio here.