SMPTE tackles emerging wireless technologies

Wireless technologies have always been with us but never in the variety
available to as now. A coming SMPTE talk in Sydmey will explore wireless technologies and their uses.

Finding your position anywhere on the planet is old hat
now. Soon you can watch your favourite TV program on your mobile phone or check
progress on your favourite game from your phone while at the pub. From a
broadcast engineer perspective it will involve a whole new world of technology
and terminology.

On Thursday 27th April, SMPTE will present Simon Haynes of Rohde &
Schwarz to deliver an evening of enlightenment about emerging wireless
technology and some of the tools and applications associated with it.

The seminar will look at
DVB-H, MediaFLO and T-DMB as well as other wireless delivery such as WiMAX,
Wi-Bro and others.

Details: Thursday April 27th, 6.00 – 9.30pm at AFTRS Seminar Room Cnr. Epping & Balaclava Rds, North Ryde.

RSVP by Wednesday 26th April to Marc Van Agten

Email: [email protected] Ph.:
(02) 9466 2731