Triple M 100.7 and 106.7 remain atop the first Xtra Insights survey of Port Macquarie in three years, with Strawny ahead in breakfast, but this time a different Strawny, with Alex ‘Strawny’ Strachan taking over from his dad Mark ‘Strawny’ Strachan at the start of 2023.
Triple M and SCA sister station Hit 102.3 and 105.1 were the clear 1 & 2, with Triple M down 3.1 to 28.7 and Hit up 0.5 to 22.0 for all audiences 10+. Third, and a long way behind, was triple j, down 1.6 to 11.9.
The breakfast audience saw 2 point drops for Triple M, triple j and for ABC Mid North Coast, dropping to 28.8, 10.5 and 8.5 respectively. Hit’s breakfast pairing of Jess and Ducko, broadcasting from Newcastle, are catching up in second (up 0.6 to 24.6). The Super Network‘s FM 93.5 Radio 531, the only other commercial radio station to appear on this survey of the region, rates at 2.2 for all audiences 10+ and just 1.8 in breakfast. When I went looking at their website it showed that 2SM‘s Richard King is providing their breakfast show, with their local programming from 12-3pm with John O’Callaghan, rating 2.6.
Overall cumulative listening declined with Hit up by more than 3000 listeners and ABC News Radio also up 1000.
Finally, Hit was down in every day part except breakfast. Triple M was the opposite and also down in mornings. Despite losses in breakfast, ABC Mid North Coast was one of the three that was up overall, alongside Hit and ABC News Radio.
SCA has #1 (Triple M Mid North Coast 100.7 & 106) and #2 (Hit 102.3 & 105.1 Mid North Coast) stations in Port Macquarie
SCA Head of Regional Content, Blair Woodcock, said:
“Congratulations to the Port Macquarie team, with Triple M and Hit Mid North Coast securing a whopping 77.6% of the 25-54 Market—over 54% more than our nearest commercial competitor.
SCA continues to reign supreme on the Mid North Coast with Triple M and Hit Networks securing the #1 and #2 Stations, respectively.
Our wins are evident across the board, with #1 and #2 sessions in Breakfast, Workday, Drive, and, in fact, all dayparts.
Thank you to our team across the Triple M & Hit Networks in Port Macquarie for their hard work and well-deserved outstanding results.”
- SCA continues to strengthen its reach of P25-54, reaching 77.6% of P25-54 each week in Port Macquarie (up 3.74% since 2021).
- SCA reaches 54.81% more P25-54 than our nearest competitor in Port Macquarie.
- Triple M Mid North Coast #1 P10+: 28.7%
- Hit102.3 Mid North Coast #2 P10+: 21.5% (up by 0.5 points)
88,900 people are tuning into an SCA station each week in Port Macquarie (up 2.66% since 2021), that’s a reach of 63.9% of the market.
Triple M Mid North Coast
- #1 Station Listened to Most P25-54: 32.7%
- #1 Breakfast Most M25-54: 41% (up 0.6 points)
- #1 Drive Most M25-54: 43%
62,200 people are tuning into Triple M Mid North Coast each week in Port Macquarie.
Hit 102.3 Mid North Coast
- #1 Station Listened to Most F25-54: 44.2% (up 6.9 points)
- #1 Breakfast Most P25-54: 33.5%
- #1 Drive Most P25-54: 31.7%
47,000 people are tuning into HIT102.3 Mid North Coast each week in Port Macquarie (up 7.8% since 2021).