Tom and Heidi let it all go at the beach

Hot FM’s Tom and Heidi hosted the inaugural Let It All Go Swim at Bunbury Back Beach Albany WA this morning. 


As reported last week, the event was a show of solidarity against negative body image.

Fans from all over the state bravely stripped down to their bathers to bid farewell to self-doubt and insecurities. 

Throughout the station’s body image campaign, the HOT FM team have been overwhelmed by the local support, with over 30 registrations and numerous businesses pledging to get on board the Love Yourself Revolution.

Celebrities including Timomatic, Ruby Rose, Alex Perry, Marty Smiley, Matt Tinney and Natalie Barr have all  bound together to support the campaign and the swim. WA Premier Colin Barnett has also endorsed this feel good community event.

After the swim, Tom and Heidi told radioinfo: “This is just the beginning, we’re so proud of everyone who has supported and been a part of this journey so far. If we can help just one person – we’ve started the revolution. Our message is simple and we hope to change the mindset of people from all around the world. If we could leave you with one thing, remember everyone is facing their own battles, so be kind and don’t forget to be brave and be your bodies biggest fan!”
