triple j farewells John Safran & Father Bob

After ten years of arguing, tweeting, being cursed by witches and expelled from religious organisations, Sunday Night Safran will celebrate the final ramblings of everyone’s favourite odd couple on Sunday 13 December.

In their ten years on air at triple j, John Safran & Father Bob have chatted to representatives of all the world’s religions, numerous conspiracy theorists, at least one witch, an actual lizardman and several white supremacists, stirring up plenty of discussion and controversy along the way.

With an exciting year ahead of him, John says “Thank you for listening to the show under your dooms, in the tram, in the train and in your truck. I’m off on a new book adventure, looking into Islam and anti-Islam in present day Australia, with the book to be released late 2016. Thank you Father Bob and thank you triple j.

Meanwhile Bob will continue to provide material, emotional and social support through Father Bob’s Foundation, providing meals through The Father Bob HopeMobile, helping kids get a fair start, The Father Bob Scholarship Fund and providing a voice for the voiceless through Advocacy

You can catch the final Sunday Night Safran at 9pm Sunday 13 December, which will feature John Safran & Father Bob’s favourite controversies, debates and interviews from the past ten years. To relive the good times, you can also trawl back through their hilarious podcasts.

Stay tuned in January as the rest of triple j’s presenters return after the summer break and we kick off a new Sunday night program about sex and relationships.



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