Ron Adsett passed away last week after a 7-year battle with leukemia.
Ron came to radio from the record industry in the late 70s and was the music librarian at 2UE before moving to Brisbane to become music director at 4KQ when it had that successful run as a Country station in the early 80s.
When Wesgo bought 4KQ and moved to Hits & Memories, Ron opened the Country Music Store in the Brisbane CBD, working there for nearly 25 years.
Ron became a leading figure in the Country Music community, becoming the longest running member of the board of the Country Music Association of Australia.
He was on the first board in 1992 and when he retired CMAA granted him a rare Life membership.
During his 7-year run with leukemia Ron ticked off several achievements including overseas trips, his 50th wedding anniversary and 18 days before he died, his 70th birthday.
These stories seem to be becoming far too frequent. Ron was one of the absolute gentlemen of the business and what he didn't know about music of any genre probably wouldn't be worth knowing.
I worked with Ron at 2UE. His professionalism and dedication to the business could only be admired in the fullest. I understand the work he did for CMAA was of an equal standard. Ron Adsett was a wonderful industry asset and a good businessman.
He will be sadly missed.