Who’s in for 2Day FM breakfast for 2025?

Two months ago, in the season of shifting seats, I went around the metro markets to see what was outstanding for 2025. With the announcement of ABC Radio Sydney‘s lineup all has now been resolved, except for 2DAY FM.

Jimmy and Nath (Jimmy Smith and Nath Roye pictured) have been looking after breakfast since Hughesy, Ed and Erin spontaneously departed one Wednesday in early August last year. SCA Chief Content Officer Dave Cameron seemed to suggest the boys would be staying put late last year, but it still hasn’t been confirmed.

Monday January 20 marks the start of the 2025 metro survey period and it looks like Jimmy and Nath will be back then, perhaps with an additional recruit.

SCA did announce on Monday that Nic Kelly and Loren Barry will take over nights. This could have meant that Mike E and Emma (Mike Etheridge and Emma Chow) who have worked together on air for 13 years, would return to their regular morning spot after covering nights for Jimmy and Nath, but Emma Chow said on Instagram that was not the case, and that she and Mike were no more an on-air pair. That post has subsequently been taken down.

The Hot Hits with Nic & Loren the first new SCA radio show launch for 2025

There is speculation that Emma might join the boys on breakfast which, if true, would take some bedding in from all concerned. And where might Mike E fit? Triple M perhaps?

Radioinfo has reached out to SCA for comment and will update with details when available.

Jen Seyderhelm is a writer, editor and podcaster for Radioinfo.



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