PodPoll 2023 shows podcast listeners still seeking untapped opportunities

PodPoll 2023, the annual audio survey presented by Australian podcast production house Deadset Studios and market research firm Insightfully has confirmed our favourite listening genres but also some surprising emerging trends and untapped opportunities in the podcasting landscape.

Not surprisingly crime, comedy and health and wellbeing are the most popular, with those surveyed saying there was still an unmet demand for science and environment, fashion and beauty and food and beverage genres with 33% of Gen Z and 26% of Millennials who listen infrequently say it’s because they can’t find content they’re interested in.

Gen Z and Millennials are the heaviest consumers of podcasts. 56% of regular listeners (those who listen at least monthly) tune in for 1-3 hours a week.

An unexpected trend is co-listening. You would imagine that is would mostly include parents with their children but of the percentage who co-listen, 19% engage with their partners, 16% with friends, then 10% with children or alternatively 7% with parents.

Deadset Studio Director Kellie Riordan said:

“The most surprising thing from PodPoll 2023 is how many regular podcast listeners are actually co-listening, so listening to content with other people. Podcasts are on in the car, on the stereo, shared between family members, partners are listening together.
This means that podcasts have gone beyond the solo, earbud experience we once thought they were, to something much more ubiquitous.”

The most popular activities while listening are relaxing at home (46%), driving (37% and contributing to co-listening), doing household and yard chores (31%) and exercising (30%). Millennials and young parents are most likely to be listening while driving; women under 55 are most likely to be listening while doing chores.

Metro audiences (30%) listen more than regional (23%) with listeners preferring to consume their podcasts in the afternoon and evening: 35% prefer the time slot between 3.00pm and 6.00pm, while 37% are most likely to listen between 6.00pm and midnight. Professionals buck this trend, tending to listen in the morning.


PodPoll 2023 also explored issues affecting listeners. Cost of living was top for people who listen to podcasts regularly (47%) as well as the economy (22%) and social issues (19%). With 33% of Gen Z and 26% of Millennials the highest consumers of podcasts, there are further opportunities to create distinctive content for these audiences as well as the “take your mind off things” storytelling and fiction genres.


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