19 March 2016 Cam Baxter was another Aussie at Radio Days who had some useful insights to share. Coming up with a great content strategy is useless unless you...
19 March 2016 In a Radio Days session on research, Patrick Collins, the head researcher for the BBC youth networks Radio 1 and 1Extra outlined some of the...
19 March 2016 America, a country with so many cars, is the canary in the coal mine that will indicate how people will consume radio, and other connected...
19 March 2016 Podcasting is disrupting audio on demand. “There are new players in the field all the time, making it vibrant and sexy again,” said Kaitlin Prest who...
19 March 2016 “Always ask why the audience has chosen to listen to you. If you have the answer to that you will be ok.” Director of BBC Radio...
19 March 2016 Eardrum’s Ralph van Dijk was another of a large contingent of Aussies (and adopted Aussies) sharing knowledge from Down Under at this year’s Radio Days. At...
19 March 2016 In a workshop called ‘Loving the News,' Danish Radio journalists and talk hosts Tony Scott and Tue Blaedel conducted a workshop to improve how you...
15 March 2016 Guests singing on air... only if it is a big star who can sing Prank calls...
14 March 2016 Speaking at Radio Days Europe, Kyle & Jackie and Group PD Duncan Campbell talked about the big switch from 2Day to KIIS and discussed the...
14 March 2016 Mathieu Gallet CEO Radio France welcomed delegates to Paris in the first session of Radio Days Europe with the message that radio is the “medium...
14 March 2016 In one of the opening sessions of Radio Days Europe, Kamila Ceran from news talk station Tok FM in Poland warned that radio stations in...