The basics of how to conduct a good interview: Valerie Geller

Focus groups show audiences respond when an interview sounds like “real people talking,” but zone out when what is on the air sounds fake or manufactured. The goal: To create an interview that sounds like a real conversation. Most paid programming hosts take calls, have guests, and do interviews. That’s why this week’s NewsTalk Edge focuses on Interview Techniques & Guest Tips excerpted from “Beyond Powerful Radio”—which may prove useful across the board, for broadcasters or any form of communication.

 Here are some basics for hosts & interviewers:

  • Forget the long hello. Keep the introduction and greeting short and to the point.
  • Listening is the key to successful interviews. Don’t stick to a list. Often the best next question will come from the answer to the last one.
  • Try not to ask “yes” or “no” questions. Ask the “how” or “why” questions. Ask how people feel, and have them explain things.
  • If you didn’t get enough of an answer, don’t be afraid to ask again. This is especially important in recorded interviews when you are looking for that perfect sound bite.
  • Curiosity counts. If you are genuinely curious about the topic, the interview will work. The more it sounds like a normal conversation, the better it works.
  • Ask “dumb” questions. Do not be embarrassed if you don’t know all the answers, the audience probably doesn’t either. That’s why you are doing the interview.
  • Get to the point. Don’t clutter up the interview with lots of chit-chat. The audience cares about how what is being said affects their lives.
  • Control the interview. Steer the subject in a better direction if the interview starts to get boring. Don’t let slick-talking, verbally skilled guests get around you and not answer questions. Ask your questions again and again until you get answers, then move on.
  • Focus on solutions, not just problems. Even if your guests have some pie-in-the-sky solutions or can offer nothing more than a phone number to call, or a website url, that’s better than ending an interview on some hopeless, downward note.
  • Respect responses. Listen to people. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. If he or she is an idiot, that will come through loud and clear all by itself.
  • End your interviews cleanly. Do a short goodbye. You don’t need to recap points made during the interview. Trust that listeners got what was discussed and move on.

 Excerpted with permission from “Beyond Powerful Radio – A Communicator’s Guide to the Internet Age” Copyright 2011 – By Valerie Geller (Focal Press 2011)

Valerie Geller, president of Geller Media International Broadcast Consultants, works to help communicators become more powerful in 30 countries, including Australia, for news, talk, information and personality. Through consulting and individual coaching for news and talk talent, Geller finds and develops personalities, leads “Creating Powerful Radio” and “Communicate Powerfully” workshops and seminars for radio and TV broadcasters, internet radio and podcasters. Geller is the recipient of the Conclave’s 2010 Rockwell Lifetime Achievement Award and is the author of four books about radio including her latest from Elsevier’s Focal Press Beyond Powerful Radio – A Communicator’s Guide to the Internet Age. To contact Valerie Geller for a one-on-one coaching or consulting, appointment, or for information on the “Powerful Radio” seminars and workshops, call +1 212 580-3385

Note: This is an edited version of an article that first appeared on and has been republished with permission.