Ron Wilson brings local radio back to 2SM, Cathy Jubb replaces Trevor Sinclair on Classic Hits 2UE

In the lead up to 2UE‘s 100th birthday a little later this month, the ACE Radio Network replacing Trevor Sinclair with Cathy Jubb (main picture) on the breakfast show was not on my bingo card.

Monday January 13 2025 saw the return of some of the metro talent to their radio programs with the Super Radio Network‘s 2SM debuting Ron Wilson to their Sydney audience. It was with less fanfare than Chris Smith’s start on Mornings last week, but does mark the first time the station has had a live and local breakfast show in three years.

ACE has been rather busy in the radio off season too, with a new CCO and a revamp to include classic hits within their branding. So far, so good.

Cathy Jubb commenced on 2UE breakfast this morning too. Cathy most recently was doing weekday afternoon and drive shows on 3MP Melbourne, Brisbane’s 4BH and for 2UE. She is currently listed as doing a five hour drive program for 3MP, and four hours for 4BH. If that is still correct that is 9 hours of radio content each weekday!

For music format radio perhaps there isn’t a need or expectation from listeners to even appear to be live and local anymore outside of news bulletins. Maybe they are a place to turn to escape current affairs. Cathy clearly must pre-record one of this programs, and I’m hoping it’s not breakfast.

For one new live and local radio show serving the massive Sydney audience, it seems we have lost another.

Jen Seyderhelm is a writer, editor and podcaster for Radioinfo. Email: [email protected]


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