18-34s engaging with podcasts as much as radio and TV

With Triton Digital’s latest Australian Podcast Ranker out today, a US presentation by Tom Webster has indicated that 18 to 34-year-olds are the most heavy consumers of podcasts.

Webster’s Podcast Upfront presentation compared the age demographics on consumption of podcasts, AM/FM radio and television.

A person aged between 18-34 is equally likely to listen to a podcast, as watch TV or turn on the radio. In the age group 55+, individuals were four times less likely.

Similarly, the average age of podcast listeners is a generation younger than the average age of a television watcher.

It would be interesting to further compare these age groups on gaming and online video consumption.

More than 2.5 million Australians were downloading the No 1 podcast Casefile True Crime monthly, in this most recent ranker.

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