Heidi, Will & Woody’s Swap My Room

Following on from  Swap My Car, hit92.9’s Heidi Will & Woody planned their next mission, Swap My Room.
As if winning $20,000 worth of furniture isn’t enough to bring a tear to the winner’s eye, this story in particular has brought a tear to the eye of everyone at hit92.9 with deserving competition winner, Leanne, currently fighting a battle with cancer.
Nominated by her daughter Sarah, Leanne was in dire need of a treat after being diagnosed with terminal breast cancer in March 2015, followed by a heart attack. 
The diagnosis has forced Leanne’s partner, Sonny, to quit his job to care for Leanne and their nine year-old grandchild, leaving them struggling financially. 
“She’s doing well and she’s getting on with it. We’re just positive,” said Sarah.
“You hear about the stories and you think it could never happen to you. Unfortunately it happened to us but there’s nothing we can do about it now. 
“We just enjoy the time we’ve got together,”
said Sarah.  
Check out the video of Heidi, Will & Woody’s Swap My Room and Leanne’s reaction.


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