Mix 94.5’s Pete and Kymba give Perth the chance at a Million Dollar Day

Mix94.5’s breakfast duo of Pete & Kymba announced that they are giving the people of Perth a chance at winning $1,000,000 in Mix94.5’s One Million Dollar Code.

From Monday June 17, Pete & Kymba will reveal a daily codeword then after 9am listeners will get a cue to call each hour until 3pm Monday-Friday. If callers have the codeword correct, they get entered into the draw.

On Friday August 9, someone will be drawn to join Pete & Kymba on Million Dollar Day for their chance to win the cash.

Pete Curulli said:

“Somebody in Perth, and only in Perth, will have the chance to win this. This isn’t a national competition where you might get plucked out of the ether for a shot at winning, this is only for you, the people of Perth!”

Kymba Cahill added:

“This is so incredibly exciting, the chance to give away this much money to someone – it could be lifechanging!”

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