Kyle & Jackie O suffer another big loss: Cumes 5/23

Have the wheels fallen off the Kyle & Jackie O Show.

Survey 5 for this year sees another 104,000 listeners drop off the once record breaking breakfast show, with a total of 166,000 dropping away in the last two surveys.

This is how the past two years have looked for the country’s premier breakfast program for listener numbers.

This drop in numbers hasn’t affected their position as the program with the most listeners in a single market with 755,000 tuning in the latest survey, leading Fifi Fev & Nick (Fox FM) with 675,000 and Bogart Torelli (smoothfm) with 589,000.

Breakfast shows in the 500 club also include Ben Liam & Belle (Nova100) with 581,000, Fitzy & Wippa with Kate Ritchie (Nova969) with 573,000, along side Ross & Russel (3AW), Jase & Lauren (KIIS 101.1) with 558,000, Christian O’Connell (Gold 104.3) with 552,000, and Mike Perso (smoothfm 91.5) with 526,000.



The drop in the Kyle & Jackie O Show is reflected in the overall station numbers with KIIS 1065 dropping down the stations with most listeners.

A drop of 73,000 listeners to 1.287M, sees KIIS 1065 drop down the list behind smoothfm 95.3 who recorded 1.352M listerners, and FoxFM with 1.334M.

GOLD104.3 also suffered big losses, down by 77,000 to 1.184M.

3AW recorded the biggest gain in numbers, up by 60,000 to 831,000.