LiSTNR brings a personal touch to new podcast campaign

LiSTNR executives feature in a new podcast trade campaign, wearing a classic band t-shirt sharing their personal blend of podcast favourites. With 8 million podcast listeners, the platform is using the campaign to recognise the diverse, personal, intimate and immersive audio experience of individual consumers.

SCA Chief Marketing Officer Nikki Clarkson said:

“The new campaign brings all these strands of the personalisation theme together, heroing LiSTNR’s own executives, as just some of the examples of LiSTNR’s 8 million-strong captivated audience and what makes every one of them unique. Many of our people who are featured also have very strong, valuable relationships directly with our clients and agencies, which brings home the personalisation theme even more.” 

SCA Chief Commercial Officer Seb Rennie said:

“It’s clear that podcasts have captivated Australians and LiSTNR’s 8-million strong podcast audience provides the opportunity for brand intimacy and personalisation at scale. We’re really proud to hero our passionate people in this campaign as a compelling way to showcase LiSTNR’s personalisation. And there has been hot demand for the t-shirts, which were printed for our recent A Night with LiSTNR event for media agencies.” 

The campaign launches on Monday August 28.

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