7 November 2014 It goes without saying that if Merrick & Rosso got back together, they'd be in one hell of a good negotiating position. Radio networks, in...
29 August 2014 Look around. Are you enjoying your cushy radio studio with it's walls and floors and roof? Well we've got something even better for you.
25 June 2014 KIIS/Mix Drive host Tim ‘Rosso’ Ross and his mate, Channel 7’s Tom Williams have done an exclusive photoshoot with their newest additions for children’s fashion...
16 May 2014 Tim ‘Rosso’ Ross, Drive host for Kiis 106.5 Sydney and Mix 101.1 Melbourne has won the National Trust Heritage Award for his comedy show Man...
24 January 2014 Chemist Warehouse and Nature’s Own are the new sponsors for ARN’s 3pm PickUp, hosted by Chrissie Swan and Jane Hall. The partnership will engage 3pm Pick up’s core female listeners,...
3 December 2013 Following incumbent PD Ryan Rathbone’s exit yesterday, despite him being contracted to ARN in 2014, Derek Bargwanna is tipped to be odds on as his replacement. Bargwanna...