23 October 2014 “Quality decisions are made by companies that have a process in place with multiple options, honest dialogue and input based on skill not rank,” according...
20 October 2014 In a session that at first may have seemed out of place at a radio conference, Lucia Kelleher tackled the theme of brain overload in...
19 October 2014 A straw poll of delegates at last Friday’s annual radio conference was unanimous that it was the best ever. In times past, sessions towards the latter...
18 October 2014 Social media was on the agenda in various sessions at the National Radio Conference, and the latest stats from GfK show why radio companies are...
17 October 2014 In a keynote speech full of laughs and radio anecdotes, Andrew Denton outlined his seven tips for success. 1.
17 October 2014 No, according to Per Borga from Teracom in Sweden. Speaking at the National Radio Conference, Borga outlined a study conducted in Sweden to discover whether radio...
17 October 2014 SCA’s Sam Cavanagh discussed his principles of creativity in a session called I wish I’d thought of that, the secrets to good ideas. He said creativity...
17 October 2014 Sue Cato and Derryn Hinch discussed crisis management at today's CRA Conference in Melbourne. Some of their advice from the session was: Twitter has changed...
16 October 2014 Commercial Radio Australia unveiled the $25 million industry-wide “Radio. It’s a Love Thing” brand campaign at today's National Radio Conference in Melbourne.
16 October 2014 "It's been a big year for radio," said Joan Warner opening the CRA National Radio Conference in Melbourne. She outlined a range of happenings this...
12 October 2014 Full Conference and ACRA program at a glance Last year, for the first time, the Conference and ACRAs got by without a high profile international...